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CWA International Ltd (CWA) has a track record spanning more than 45 years of providing a first-class consultancy service to clients concerned with international trade, shipping, insurance and reinsurance and their legal counterparts.

CWA is unique in the depth of expertise we offer for the technical investigation of loss and damage incidents and the analysis of claims arising from the international maritime trade.

CWA deals with problems encountered with a wide range of commodities including food and other agricultural products, metals, minerals, oils, gases and chemicals. In addition we investigate marine casualties including fires.

Our departments possess detailed knowledge of all aspects of their respective industries including technical, scientific, logistical, commercial and market factors to advise on causation, quantum, mitigation, and environmental impact. We regularly give expert evidence in the High Court, and in arbitrations worldwide, and participate in mediations.

We undertake a wide range of studies and forensic analytical investigations including business interruption. If required we have the IT capability to develop, in house, bespoke software.

We operate on a 24/7 basis 365 days a year to provide specialist advice to clients exposed to high damage incidents or faced with potential costly escalation. Our services include prompt attendances worldwide, typically to undertake investigations in situ to establish the nature, extent and cause of an incident, or to assist with loss mitigation.

Our Principals are involved in the risk management of the international trade of commodities including production, handling, storage, marine transportation, and distribution.

CWA International Ltd. is ISO registered since 1995 and is certified to ISO 9001.

Ship in port
Fire at sea

Experts & Consultants

The company deploys well-qualified experienced staff, including chemical and mining engineers, petroleum chemists, food scientists, risk analysts, master mariners and cargo surveyors.

Our team provides extensive knowledge, technical skills and expertise across their respective subject areas and brings to bear their experience of a broad range of geographic locations and diverse cultures.

If appropriate CWA can assign small, integrated and multi-disciplinary teams drawn from across our departments.

Our Team

Independent Expert Service

Boat fire being doused by tugs

We are not tied to any vested interests and CWA prides itself in providing an independent service. We assign instructions only to individuals with the relevant experience and specific expertise. Each department possesses detailed knowledge of the industry risk factors associated with each class of commodity.

When instructed CWA indentifies the specialist expertise needed to meet client requirements. If appropriate CWA can assign small, integrated and multi-disciplinary teams drawn from across our departments.

The company maintains close links with relevant professional institutions, research organisations and laboratories in the UK and worldwide.

© CWA International 2024